
The 99% Solution

This blog is dedicated to freedom of the press, a necessity for sustaining a democracy, and a freedom we have virtually lost in this media-controlled nation where news is filtered, manipulated, pre-digested, and served to the public in one flavor only: ProBush. Let the real news be heard. Inform the populace. Restore our democracy.


I am one of the 99% whose life has been harshly impacted by the current repressive and oppressive rule of the Bush Administration. Like the rest of the 99%, I have not gained from the taxcuts that have drained this country's treasury. I do not support the invasion of another sovereign nation, unprovoked. I do not wish to incarcerate or harm other people because of their race, religion, or ways of life. It is time to take America back.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The 99% Solution

The 99% Solution
Bush - the War President,
The CLASS WAR President, that is…
The truth is that class warfare is already at hand, and Bush is leading the charge.
Each time the Democrats have accused Bush of favoring the wealthy with his tax cuts, the Bush Administration lashes out at the Dems, accusing them of trying to incite class warfare. The truth is that class warfare is already at hand, and Bush is leading the charge. The tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% costs the United States Treasury $774 billion over 10 years. According to Citizens for Tax Justice, that would have more than funded prescription drugs to every Medicare recipient instead of the costly and cumbersome Bush Medicare Prescription Plan that favors the pharmaceutical industry over our seniors.

If you are doing well, you're probably thinking that this tax cut for the wealthy is for you. Think again. Unless you're making about $915,000 a year, you are NOT benefiting. If the tax cuts are made permanent, we will become a nation of two classes: the destitute and the 1% wealthy. At that point, all social programs will be ended with the cry of "We can't afford them! We're trillions of dollars in debt!" The legacy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt will be obliterated. And the millions who fall through the gaping holes in FDR's crumbling social net will be the testament of the Neo-Con Depression, one that will dwarf the Great Depression of the last century. If Americans wake up and restore balance in November 2006 by voting exclusively for Democrats, some balance might be restored. The question is whether it will be too little too late. We have seen what happens when the President, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the media all align with the Right at the same time. The result is unending war; trillion-dollar deficits; Republican Congressmen (Cunningham, DeLay, Lott, Frist) charged with graft in record numbers; Americans left homeless and penniless after a natural disaster; veterans without adequate medical attention; troops dying without adequate armor; laws enacted that increase water pollution, air pollution, and allow our national forests to be plundered; American jobs outsourced; oil companies' profits the highest in history; and on and on.

If balance is not restored soon, there will be no more land of the free. We have already seen glimpses of the future: two teachers fired for expressing their views; a woman arrested for wearing a t-shirt that stated the number of dead in Iraq; another woman not allowed to board a plane because her t-shirt humorously depicted the Bush Administration; people removed from the President's "Town Hall Meetings" for expressing anti-Bush sentiment; newscasters fired for reporting ALL the news; all that is implied in the statement "You're either with us or with the terrorists". When only one point of view is allowed, the name for that type of government is fascism. Look it up in the dictionary. Then look at what our country has become.