You Want My Vote? Then earn it!
If you are an average American, like me, living from paycheck to paycheck, then before you consider voting for a presidential candidate, ensure that these basic employment requirements are met:
1) The candidate must advocate an end to this senseless waste of human life called the War in Iraq. Oil is just not worth the life of one child, let alone the hundreds of thousands sacrificed so far.
2) The candidate must adovate the repeal of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. How dare they call this abomination a "consumer protection act"?! This bill was the death knell for the middle class. If you lose your job, get sick, you now have no protection. You WILL lose your house, your auto, anything you own because, as the Republicans know best, the credit card companies need YOUR money, regardless of your situation. Not even Seniors are exempt from this travesty.
3) The candidate must promise to author usary laws that will protect consumers from the piracy of banking instititutions that pillage our earnings and turn the middle class into indentured slaves, indentured to the astonomical, UNCHECKED interest rates, late fees, etc., charged by the very same credit card companies the Congress so readily protected in 2005. Where is the protection of the American Citizenry?!!!
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