
The 99% Solution

This blog is dedicated to freedom of the press, a necessity for sustaining a democracy, and a freedom we have virtually lost in this media-controlled nation where news is filtered, manipulated, pre-digested, and served to the public in one flavor only: ProBush. Let the real news be heard. Inform the populace. Restore our democracy.


I am one of the 99% whose life has been harshly impacted by the current repressive and oppressive rule of the Bush Administration. Like the rest of the 99%, I have not gained from the taxcuts that have drained this country's treasury. I do not support the invasion of another sovereign nation, unprovoked. I do not wish to incarcerate or harm other people because of their race, religion, or ways of life. It is time to take America back.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

How to choose a President - IF you get another chance to vote in this country

Have you been listening to the Republican-owned media's attempts to manipulate Democrats into believing we have two candidates - Hillary and Barak? They know that if either of those two are nominated, there will be 4 more years of suffering through another Republican in the White House.
Before you say you're supporting a candidate for the next presidential election, do your homework. At the very least, check how they voted on the following:
the War in Iraq
The Bankruptcy Bill

These two votes are windows into the judgement of the candidate. Anyone who did not have sense enough to know that you do NOT attack another sovereign nation unprovoked, does NOT deserve to be in Congress, let alone the White House. And a vote for the bankruptcy bill means that they'd rather help out corporate America than help out Americans, even if it leads to creating Poorhouses again. The bankruptcy bill's passage was the re-beginning of indentured servitude in this country. You may be fighting cancer and have medical bills that won't quit. If you file for bankruptcy, your home is no longer protected from your creditors AND your credit card debt will NOT be erased. There is no forgiveness of debt, only payment of debt regardless of your health, employment situation, even if you are a victim of a natural disaster. Any one who voted for that piece of sell-out legislation is not presidential material.


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