
The 99% Solution

This blog is dedicated to freedom of the press, a necessity for sustaining a democracy, and a freedom we have virtually lost in this media-controlled nation where news is filtered, manipulated, pre-digested, and served to the public in one flavor only: ProBush. Let the real news be heard. Inform the populace. Restore our democracy.


I am one of the 99% whose life has been harshly impacted by the current repressive and oppressive rule of the Bush Administration. Like the rest of the 99%, I have not gained from the taxcuts that have drained this country's treasury. I do not support the invasion of another sovereign nation, unprovoked. I do not wish to incarcerate or harm other people because of their race, religion, or ways of life. It is time to take America back.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bush's Nation - Of the Corporations, By the Corporations, and For the Corporations

A Millionaire's Club Congress whose members voted for a bill that ushered in unprecedented and unregulated usury that has turned the average American with credit card debt into little more than an indentured corporate servant; a President and Vice President dedicated to the profits of big business; an Attorney General who believes the ends justify any means including torture; a political party besieged with scandal after scandal from imprisoned Republican superlobbyist Jack Abramoff to the most current sex scandal (Republican Senator Vitters and the D.C. Madam) - we, the 99%, are without representation. There is no one in the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of this government looking out for OUR interests. NO ONE. Bush's war is fought with our blood, our social security and medicare funds, our grand children's tax dollars. The war continues with no hope of ending as long as there is money to be made for Bush's corporate friends. This never-elected president continues to give corporations and contractors carte blanche to pick our pockets. We are being robbed, bullied, and bludgeoned by a government that used to be ours, but now is a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations that through the power of Presidential Directive #51 will not perish from this earth.


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